Civil Engineering PE

Category - Transportation

What is the approximate optimal length for a transitional spiral curve when using a 2,400 feet (ft) circular curve and a design speed of 70 miles per hour (mph)?
  1. 100 ft
  2. 175 ft
  3. 200 ft
  4. 225 ft
Answer: D - The approximate optimal length for a transitional spiral curve when using a 2,400 ft circular curve and a design speed of 70 mph is 225 ft.

Solution: Use the transitional spiral curve formula

L = 1.6 (design speed)3 / radius of the circular curve

Given, Design speed = 70 mph

Radius of circular curve = 2,400 ft

L = 1.6 (70 mph) 3 / 2400 ft = 228.66 ft (use 225 ft)
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