Civil Engineering PE

Category - Scheduling

What critical path project management tool is used to define the steps needed to complete a project, the personnel to work on each task, and the cost of each task?
  1. Work breakdown structure (WBS)
  2. Gantt chart
  3. Project network diagram
  4. A. and C.
Answer: A - A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a project management tool used to define the steps needed to complete a project, the personnel to work on each task, and the cost of each task. A WBS can be developed using spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel or Macintosh Numbers. A WBS is often used to develop an overall project plan at the beginning of a project. Unless it is used as part of a larger project tracking system, such as Microsoft Project or Primavera, it may be limited in providing the functionality for in-depth tracking of deliverables and resource management.
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