Civil Engineering PE

Category - Hydraulics - Open

Which of the following statements best describes the difference between a floodplain and a floodway?
  1. A floodplain may span across a vast area while a floodway is generally contained within the channel of a river
  2. A floodplain is generally contained within a specific footage on either side of a stream centerline, while a flood way may span across a vast area
  3. A floodplain is generally contained within the channel of a river while a floodway is generally contained within a specific footage on either side of a stream centerline
  4. There is no difference - they are the same
Answer: A - The statement that best describes the difference between a floodplain and a floodway is that a floodplain may span across a vast area while a floodway is generally contained within the channel of a river. Floodplains include any land area that may be inundated by floodwater from any source (river, lake, or ocean). A floodway is defined as the channel of a river and a portion of the overbank floodplain that carries most of the base flood. Federal regulations require that the construction of structures in a floodway will not obstruct flood flows or increase the elevation of floodwaters.
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