SPHR Human Resources

Category - Relations

Taft-Hartley identified all of the following as unfair labor practices that could be committed by unions, except
  1. Striking or picketing an employer without giving the required notice
  2. Picketing for recognition for more than 30 days without petitioning for an election
  3. Causing an employer to discriminate against an employee
  4. Refusing to bargain with the employer of the employees it represents
Answer - A - Taft-Hartley was more specific in that it identified striking or picketing a health care establishment (not just any employer) without giving the required notice as a ULP that could be committed by a union.

Key Takeaway: Taft-Hartley did identify picketing for recognition for more than 20 days without petitioning for an election as a ULP, which could be committed by a union. It also identified refusing to bargain with the employer of the employees it represents as ULP that could be committed by a union. Taft-Hartley did identify causing an employer to discriminate against an employee as a ULP that could be committed by a union.
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