
Category - Communication

In labor, your client is experiencing self-doubt and says, "Why did I ever think I could have a natural birth?" Your BEST response is:
  1. "I'm doing my best to help you."
  2. "It sounds like labor is harder than you thought. Let's see if we can find a way to make you more comfortable."
  3. "Well, that IS why you hired a doula."
  4. "Wow - you're really in pain. Do you want me to see if you can have pain medication?"
Answer: B - Recognizing a client's feelings, even in the midst of labor, is essential to communicate effectively. Doing so will build trust and respect, and will allow the laboring mother to do the work of birth. The additive and open-ended "let's see if" invites both participants in the conversation to work together. Personal feelings, judgments, and bias should be left out of a doula's response.
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