MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

In a school district, physical education teachers work with central office technical staff to incorporate wellness technology into schools on a district-wide basis. The wellness technology includes the FITNESSGRAM®, ACTIVITYGRAM®, and MyDietAnalysis programs. This collaboration is likely to maximize the physical education program's effectiveness by:
  1. Providing parents/guardians and administrators with immediate access to fitness program accountability data.
  2. Eliminating the need for teachers to use additional forms of physical fitness wellness assessment techniques and tools.
  3. Establishing a networking system by which physical education teachers can easily communicate with students' families, faculty, and service providers.
  4. Providing students and teachers with immediate access to data and allowing students to design, monitor, and progress toward personal wellness goals.
Correct Response: D. These wellness technology software programs enable students and teachers to input personal data related to physical activities and diet, obtain personal analyses and other data, create fitness and dietary plans, and assess progress, which can be used to enhance the effectiveness of a physical education program. While these programs provide assessments of individuals' fitness levels they do not reflect program accountability (A), and teachers still need to assess student progress toward learning goals (B). Teachers and parents/guardians may access the information recorded by the programs, but they are not designed as communication tools (C).
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