MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following strategies is likely to be most practical and effective in advocating for and promoting the values of physical education programs?
  1. Encouraging teachers in other subject areas to integrate motor learning and movement science concepts routinely into instruction.
  2. Assisting teachers and administrators in locating and accessing inexpensive fitness and recreational resources and facilities in the community.
  3. Devoting equal amounts of physical education time and resources to developing students' cognitive, social, physical, and motor skills.
  4. Using a variety of media and opportunities to communicate with students, families, and school community members about fitness and recreational resources and activities and their benefits.
Correct Response: D. Providing others with information that helps them understand the content, availability, and benefits of fitness activities is most likely to promote their recognition of the value of and support for a physical education program. While integration with academic studies (A), incorporating inexpensive resources (B), and developing a balanced curriculum and lesson plans (C) are important components of a physical education program, communication about the goals and benefits of the program will be the most effective advocacy tool.
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