MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

While introducing students to an outdoor tag game called "Kick the Can," the physical education teacher says that the game probably originated in Great Britain in the mid-1800s. The teacher tells students that the same game is called "Burkuit" in Holland. The teacher also notes that in India, a similar game is called "Esha Desai," and that in Japan, a variation of the game is called "Kankai." Imparting this type of information to students is important primarily because it:
  1. Communicates that games are enjoyed by many cultures and played throughout the world.
  2. Reflects the teacher's awareness that the game might not be familiar to all students.
  3. Illustrates that physical education is an essential part of school curriculums in other countries.
  4. Demonstrates the teacher's facility with other languages, thereby trengthening relationships with students of diverse backgrounds.
Correct Response: A. Informing students that games they play are also played by children in other parts of the world can help them recognize and appreciate the similarities and differences among global cultures, which is an important general learning goal. For students who are unfamiliar with a game (B), it would be most effective for the teacher to explain how it is played and what rules it uses. The teacher has not provided enough information for students to conclude that games are part of school curricula globally (C), or that the teacher has significant facility with other languages (D)
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