Indoor Cycling Instructor

Category - Unsafe Movements

Having participants ride with no hands during a session:
  1. Improves core muscle strength and balance.
  2. Is good practice for doing this on a road bike.
  3. Is fun and adds variety to the class.
  4. Is unsafe because participants can become unbalanced, creating stresses on the lower back, or even causing falls.
Answer: D- Having participants ride with no hands during a session is unsafe as participants can become unbalanced, creating stresses on the lower back, or even causing falls. Participants may be on the bike without holding the handlebars to do stretches on the bike during the warm up and cool down, but they should attempt to pedal at the same time. Participants should never be out of the saddle with no hands - if their foot should slip out of the toe clips or their cleats come free they could have a serious fall. Riding with no hands while pedaling also causes poor balance and instability, and can lead to injury.
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