ATF Special Agent Exam Prep

Category - ICE Special Agent

An investigator traveling on official business in his personal vehicle had to make emergency repairs to the vehicle. He paid $150 for the repairs plus 15% of this amount to compensate the mechanic for repair work performed overtime. The investigator’s office reimbursed him $100 plus 40% of any amount over $100. Which one of the equations below represents the amount that the investigator was reimbursed for the repairs?
  1. 100 + .4 [ 150 (1.15) - 100] = X
  2. 4 [ (150) (.15) + 100] = X
  3. 100 + (150) (.15) = X
  4. 150 + .4 [ 150 (1.15) - 100] = X
  5. None of these
Answer: A - 100 + .4 [ 150 (1.15) - 100] = X
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