ATF Special Agent Exam Prep

Category - ICE Special Agent

Agent Jordyn had to count 13,000 dollar bills by hand. Agents Terri and Stewart were assigned to help. After 1 hour, Agent Stewart had counted 1,000 bills, but had to leave for firearms training. Working at their same rate, how long will it take Agents Jordyn and Terri to count the remaining 9,000 bills?
  1. 1 hr, 15 mins
  2. 2 hrs, 15 mins
  3. 2 hrs, 45 mins
  4. 3 hrs
  5. none of these
Answer: D - The Agents began with 13,000 bills to count, and when Agent Stewart left, there were 9,000 bills remaining. This means that the 3 Agents working together for one hour counted 4,000 bills, 13,000 - 9,000 = 4,000. Agent Stewart counted 1,000 of the 4,000 bills counted, so the other 2 Agents counted 3,000 bills in one hour. The remaining 9,000 bills can be divided evenly into 3 groups of 3,000 bills, 9,000 ÷ 3,000 = 3. Since it takes the 2 Agents 1 hour to review 3,000 bills, it will take them 3 hours to review the remaining bills, 1hour x 3 groups of bills = 3 hours to count the remaining bills.
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