ATF Special Agent Exam Prep

Category - ATF Special Agent

All successful law enforcement officers are required to perform satisfactorily on tests of physical fitness. Physical fitness is key to an officer’s ability to apprehend suspects, cope effectively with long work shifts, interact with uncooperative individuals, and recover from injuries that may occur in the line of duty. After a serious accident, law enforcement officers that are physically fit have a greater chance of returning to duty. Some physical abilities, such as using firearms, are not often used in the line of duty. The fact that some abilities are not used daily does not diminish their importance.
  1. all officers that are required to perform satisfactorily on physical fitness tests are successful.
  2. none of the abilities often used in the line of duty are physical in nature, such as using firearms.
  3. every officer that is required to perform satisfactorily on a physical fitness test is unsuccessful on duty.
  4. at least some law enforcement officers that are required to perform satisfactorily on physical fitness test are successful.
  5. none of the physical abilities, such as using a firearm, are used often in the line of duty.
Answer: D - The essential information from which the answer can be inferred is contained in the first sentence of the paragraph. This sentence states “all successful law enforcement officers are required to perform satisfactorily on tests of physical fitness.” Since response “D” refers to a circumstance in which law enforcement officers are required to perform satisfactorily on tests of physical fitness, it can be inferred that these law enforcement officers are successful.
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