SPHR Human Resources

Category - Rewards

A reduced FMLA leave schedule is which of the following?
  1. The employee is absent from work multiple times for the same illness or injury.
  2. The employee works fewer hours each day or week.
  3. The employee’s leave schedule is disruptive to the work schedule.
  4. Accurate records of time off are maintained.
Answer - B - A reduced FMLA leave is one in which the employee’s regular work schedule is reduce by some number of hours per day or days per week.

Key Takeaway: Disruption to the work schedule is not a factor in this type of FMLA leave. An intermittent FMLA leave is one in which an employee is absent from work multiple times for the same illness or injury. Although accurate records of time off should be maintained for all FMLA leaves, they are most critical for intermittent leaves.
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