Civil Engineering PE

Category - Soil Mechanics

What is the voids ratio of a compaction test sample where the mean values resulting from compaction of a large diameter sewer trench are as follows?

Moisture content, w, = 14.5%
Specific gravity, Gs, = 2.65
ɣ = 18 kN/m3
  1. 0.65
  2. 0.8
  3. 1.65
  4. 1.8
Answer: A - The voids ratio of a compaction test sample with the given test results is 0.65.

Solution: Use the density formula to solve for voids ratio

ɣ = Gsɣw (1+w) / 1 + e à e = [Gsɣw (1+w)]/ɣ - 1

Given ɣw = 9.81 kN/m3

Therefore, e = [(2.65) (9.81 kN/m3) (1+0.145)]/18 kN/m3 - 1

e = 0.65
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