Group Exercise Instructor Free Test Prep - Question List

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21. With regular cardiovascular endurance training, blood flow to working skeletal muscle is increased by ALL BUT ONE of these means. Which mechanism is NOT USED to increase blood flow?
  1. A decrease in the recruitment of capillaries in the skeletal muscles being trained
  2. An increase in the number of capillaries in the skeletal muscles being trained
  3. An effective blood flow redistribution from inactive muscles to active muscles
  4. An increase in blood volume
22. Cueing is a vital aspect of group exercise classes. Cues are used to enhance safety, timing, education, motivation, and structure (STEMS). Which of the following is LEAST likely to be an appropriate use of cueing?
  1. Providing compliments to participants
  2. Giving instruction on proper anatomical alignment
  3. Providing instruction on how to progress a particular exercise
  4. Providing encouragement to participants
23. One of the simplest ways to quickly change the nature of an exercise is to change the position or environment of the exerciser. During land-based exercise, gravity insures that the body must work harder to push blood “up the hill” and back towards the heart. During immersion, hydrostatic pressure does the work. Because of this external pressure, there is a fundamental increase in WHICH of the following?
  1. The volume of blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole and the force of contraction of the heart muscle
  2. Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure
  3. Blood pressure and intensity of exercise
  4. Heart rate and blood pressure
24. Which of the following Cardiovascular Exercise concepts is strongly supported by the latest ACSM literature?
  1. Individuals who are unable to meet the minimum recommendations for exercise will not benefit from making the attempt
  2. Sedentary behavior (sitting for long periods of time) is not a health risk factor as long as the individual participates in daily resistance training
  3. Adults should get a minimum of 180 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity training every week
  4. Individuals seeking cardiovascular training effects can break cardiovascular training into multiple shorter sessions (of at least 10 minutes) or perform one long sustained training session
25. One of the responsibilities of the Group Fitness Instructor is to reduce the potential for injury to class members. Which of the following risk factors would be under the GREATEST control of the instructor?
  1. Friction coefficient of the flooring
  2. Environment (temperature, humidity, lighting) of the room
  3. Instruction and demonstration of movement execution
  4. Participant health history

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