Group Exercise Instructor Free Test Prep - Question List

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11. Which of the following class formats would introduce the LEAST weight-bearing stress on the lower extremities?
  1. Step aerobics
  2. T’ai Chi
  3. Aquatic exercise
  4. Kickboxing
12. Negligence is typically defined as the “failure to act as a reasonable and prudent person would act under similar circumstances.” Which of the following is LEAST related to the concept of “failure to act”?
  1. Failure to do something that should have been done
  2. Doing something that should not have been done
  3. Not doing anything
  4. Eliminating all potential for future liability
13. Novice instructors are at special risk of losing control of their classes. One of the best ways to control variables is to create a choreography cheat sheet. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be part of such as cheat-sheet?
  1. Timeframe for each movement to be instructed
  2. Progressions and regressions for each movement
  3. Social goals for each movement
  4. Functional purposes for each movement
14. The Group Fitness Instructor who wants to keep a class engaged but not overwhelmed should remember the acronym DRILL created by Copeland (1991). Which of the following are the 4 methods of progression described by the acronym DRILL?
  1. Duration, Rate, Integration, Lever length
  2. Duration, Rhythm, Intensity, Lever length
  3. Direction, Rhythm, Intensity, Lever length
  4. Direction, Rate, Interaction, Lever length
15. You want to create a lively, alerting atmosphere in your pre-dawn class. However, extended exposure to sound levels of 85-90 decibels or greater may eventually damage hearing, so it’s not an option to just “crank it up”. You choose to raise the bass but lower the treble because:
  1. Lower frequency sounds are less damaging to the ear than higher frequency sounds
  2. Lower frequency sounds are more damaging to the ear than higher frequency sounds
  3. Dominant beats become more pronounced with a lower treble
  4. A lower treble encourages alertness and arousal

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