Food Service Manager Exam Prep - Question List

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66. The second step of properly washing a food contact surface is:
  1. Wash
  2. Rinse
  3. Sanitize
  4. Dry
67. Of the following listed food pathogens, which one is most often associated with the consumption of undercooked or raw seafood?
  1. Vibrio vulnificus
  2. Norovirus
  3. Hepatitis C
  4. Asperagillus
68. A Frenchman comes to the kitchen door offering to sell some fish he caught in the river hours earlier. The correct action to take is:
  1. Ask him how much he wants for the fish
  2. Give him a job
  3. Turn him away from the restaurant
  4. Have him prepare the fish during service
69. A large section of mozzarella cheese has a blue moldy substance attached. The correct action is to:
  1. Cut the moldy section away
  2. Use the moldy section for family meal
  3. Throw the entire piece of cheese away
  4. Serve as a gourmet item
70. The three categories of food contaminants are best described as:
  1. Chemical, Biological, and Physical Hazards
  2. Human, Microbial, and Viral Hazards
  3. External, Internal, and Customer Hazards
  4. Chemical, Customer, and Staff Hazards

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