CLEP Principles of Marketing Exam Prep - Question List

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The active voice is generally recommended for use in written business communications. Which of the following sentences is written in the active voice?
  1. The report needs to be written by the departmental manager.
  2. Each customer should complete the forms provided.
  3. The boxes are to be sent to shipping as soon as possible.
  4. The phone has to be answered before it rings three times.
Which of the following statements most accurately compares how copyright law is applied to written or printed material with the way it is applied to digital material posted on the Internet?
  1. Digital material posted on the Internet is protected under a different, less restrictive, set of copyright laws.
  2. Copyright protections for digital material posted on the Internet are the same as those for written or printed material.
  3. Digital material posted on the Internet is protected only if it was posted originally on a site with a registered domain name.
  4. Copyright protections for digital material posted on the Internet are enforced for a shorter period of time than for written or printed material.
A jewelry store has operated in a small town for over 30 years and has always turned a reasonable profit without resorting to sales or other types of marketing promotions. Which of the following events would most likely cause store managers to rethink this strategy and significantly increase the amount of resources allocated to promoting the store's products?
  1. Store managers are planning to renovate the store and add better lighting and new display cabinets.
  2. Price increases for several types of precious stones make it unfeasible for the store to carry certain items.
  3. Store managers expect that short-term demand for the store's products will increase.
  4. An outlet for a discount chain of jewelry stores has opened up in a neighboring town.
Which of the following is one difference between business-to-business marketing and direct marketing to consumers?
  1. Business-to-business marketing plans rely more heavily on large-scale promotional campaigns for individual products.
  2. Business customers are more likely to make their buying decisions based on actual, rather than perceived, wants and needs.
  3. Business-to-business marketing plans rely more heavily on niche and other types of differentiated marketing strategies.
  4. Business customers are likely to have a considerably wider range of competing products from which to choose.
A company would most appropriately conduct extensive test-marketing of a new product when:
  1. Little or no competition for the product currently exists.
  2. The product is an addition to an already existing product line.
  3. An undifferentiated strategy will be used to market the product.
  4. The costs of introducing the new product are high.

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