MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following practices is likely to be most essential for the smooth functioning of elementary physical education classes?
  1. Establishing and announcing to students time goals for each lesson activity.
  2. Ensuring that there is a procedure in place for dealing with interruptions during class.
  3. Preparing the activity space and having necessary equipment on hand prior to lesson activities.
  4. Assigning students into teams or squads that remain intact over the course of a term or semester.
Correct Response: C. Preparation is an important key to the success of any lesson or activity. Time goals will not be appropriate for every activity (A), and students' development of social skills and sportsmanship will be promoted by opportunities to play, compete, and interact with a variety of teammates during a term (D). A teacher should have a range of strategies for managing interruptions during lessons, but those will not replace the value of effective preparation for the activity, and good preparation may even minimize interruptions (B).
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