MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

In recent decades, rates of physical activity among U.S. children and adolescents have declined while rates of sedentary activity and poor dietary practices have increased. Among U.S. youth, this trend has led to a dramatic rise in:
  1. The incidence of obesity-related diseases.
  2. Visits to hospital emergency rooms due to injuries sustained at home.
  3. The prevalence of vitamin-deficiency diseases.
  4. The occurrence of sleep disorders and fatigue-related ailments.
Correct Response: A. A decline in the activity levels of youth accompanied by poor dietary habits has contributed to what is considered an epidemic of obesity in the United States in the early twenty- first century. The result is an increased incidence of obesity-related diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. Inactivity and obesity are not specifically connected to an increased risk of injury (B), vitamin deficiencies (C), or sleep disorders (D)
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