MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

A group of fourth-grade students are learning a creative movement pattern in which they form a line and perform a forward roll simultaneously. Each time they execute the roll, one particular student rolls in a crooked line and bumps into a neighbor. To address this problem, it would be most appropriate for the teacher to:
  1. Ask the student to remain after class so that the teacher can assess the student's attitude.
  2. Observe the student's roll to assess movement technique and provide individualized instruction.
  3. Change the choreography to create larger spaces between students when they execute the roll.
  4. Substitute an easier movement for the roll so all students will feel successful performing the routine.
Correct Response: B. Improper movement technique is most likely the cause of the crooked roll, rather than the student's attitude (A), and the teacher's first response should be to assess the student's technique and provide individualized suggestions and assistance to help the student execute a skilled forward roll. Changing the choreography (C) may prevent bumping, but will not help the student roll in a straight line. Learning to roll correctly will provide the student with a greater feeling of success than reducing expectations for everyone (D)
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