MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

To introduce students to the rhythmic use of locomotor skills, it would be more appropriate to design patterns that include hopping rather than patterns that include skipping because hopping:
  1. Is a quieter, more controlled movement than skipping.
  2. Can be done in any direction, while skipping can move only in the direction of the leading foot.
  3. Involves one count and skipping involves two counts.
  4. Is more likely than skipping to be included as a movement in various dance forms.
Correct Response: C. With one count of movement, hopping is a more simple movement than skipping and enables students to learn to move with each beat when they are first being introduced to rhythmic locomotor movement. A skip involves a forward step and a hop in an uneven rhythmic pattern, and although it is more complex than hopping, changes in direction are possible (B). Both hopping and skipping can be executed as small, quiet, and controlled movements (A) or as larger, more energetic movements and both may be included as movements in many dance forms (D)
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