MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following is an accurate description of the way in which a muscle group generates force during an exercise such as a standing barbell curl?
  1. The maximal force-development capacity is limited to the weakest point in the range of motion.
  2. The generation of force remains constant during the entire motion.
  3. The maximal force-development capacity increases as the weight is lifted above waist- level.
  4. The generation of force varies throughout the full range of motion.
Correct Response: D. When lifting a steady amount of weight, the amount of strength an individual uses varies relative to the position of the weight in the individual's range of motion. During a standing barbell curl, the lifter's maximal strength production by the elbow flexors occurs while the elbows are bending, but not fully flexed or straight, which are the weakest points in the range of motion (A). The generation of strength does not remain constant through the entire motion (B). As the barbell is lifted above the waist and the elbows approach full flexion, the generation of strength declines rather than increases (C)
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