MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following intellectual milestones is most closely associated with the adolescent stage of human growth and development?
  1. Becoming interested in abstract ideas and the process of thinking itself.
  2. Operational thinking that allows one to mentally combine, order, and transform objects and actions.
  3. Learning to take intentions into account in judging the behaviors of others.
  4. Representing reality to oneself through the use of symbols, gestures, and mental images.
Correct Response: A. During adolescence, students develop reasoning skills and the ability to think abstractly and in hypothetical terms. The ability to think in concrete, or operational, terms that enables children to mentally combine, order, and transform objects and actions (B) typically develops between seven and twelve years of age. As five and six year olds become more aware of their own emotions and intentions, they begin to recognize them in others and develop skills that enable them to understand others' motivations and feelings (C). Between the ages of two and seven, children generally develop the ability to think about objects that are not physically present and to use symbols to represent them (D).
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