MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

To address the developmental levels of middle and high school students, many secondary fitness education programs use a skills-based approach. In this type of approach, the main overall goal is to provide students with:
  1. Sufficient practice opportunities in one or two movement forms in order to develop high levels of proficiency in those areas.
  2. An overview of how external factors (e.g., peers, family, media, environmental conditions) affect personal health and fitness.
  3. The knowledge and strategies that are essential for improving fitness and maintaining lifelong physical activity.
  4. Information about how to locate, access, and use health-related resources.
Correct Response: C. Developing competence in executing fundamental and specific movement skills for a range of physical activities can provide students with abilities and perspectives important for participating in lifelong recreational and fitness activities. The approach introduces students to skills important for many types of sports and fitness activities to encourage their development of general movement proficiency rather than advanced technical skills in one or two activities (A). A skills-based approach focuses on movement activities more than motivational factors (B) or skills for researching and using health-related resources (D)
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