MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

A teacher who suspects that a student may be physically abused at home feels uncomfortable following mandated reporting procedures. A colleague reminds the teacher that in order for the student and the family to receive supportive services, the teacher has an obligation to file a report with which of the following Massachusetts agencies?
  1. Child Guidance Clinic.
  2. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
  3. Department of Children and Families.
  4. Department of Mental Health.
Correct Response: C. Teachers are mandated to report suspected incidents of abuse against children. These reports are investigated by the Department of Children and Families, which is charged with protecting children from neglect and abuse. The Child Guidance Clinic (A) is a non-profit agency that offers mental health services; its public counterpart is the Department of Mental Health (D). The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (B) provides educator, curriculum, and technology support to strengthen Massachusetts public schools. 
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