MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

A family and consumer sciences teacher hears a small group of students making homophobic comments and jokes in class. In this situation, the teacher has an immediate ethical responsibility to:
  1. Report the names of the students who made the comments and jokes to the principal.
  2. Actively respond to these instances of discrimination as they occur.
  3. Examine his or her own teaching style and instructional approach for any evidence of bias.
  4. Plan activities in which students analyze how sexual orientation is represented in the media.
Correct Response: B. The American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) identifies embracing diversity as a core value. By actively responding to incidents of discrimination as soon as they occur, the teacher honors the AAFCS commitment to value all people. Because any incident of misbehavior is best dealt with as soon as it occurs, reporting the students to the principal (A) introduces an unnecessary delay in the response. Examining the teacher's own teaching style for evidence of bias (C) is an appropriate activity for self-reflection, but it ignores the students' behavior.  Planning lessons that analyze media representations of sexual orientation (D) might influence some students to change their prejudicial attitudes. However, because such activities would likely occur days or even weeks after the students' offensive behavior, there is the possibility that this group would not connect their misbehavior with the intended lesson. 
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