MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

A shock victim should be placed in which of the following positions?
  1. On his or her side in the recovery position.
  2. On his or her back with the head elevated.
  3. In a semi-sitting position.
  4. On his or her back with the legs elevated.
Correct Response: D. Unless other injuries prevent it, the standard first-aid procedure for when a person goes into shock is to lay the person on his or her back and to elevate the legs slightly. Blood flow tends to be impaired when a person goes into shock, and this position encourages blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain and other organs. Putting a person on his or her side in the recovery position (A), on his or her back with the head elevated (B), or in a semi-sitting position (C) are not generally recommended for treating shock because these positions don't enhance blood flow to the brain and other organs. 
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