MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Which of the following best describes the primary aim of the three Rs of the waste hierarchy: reduce, reuse, and recycle?
  1. To integrate the spillover costs of a given product into the market price of that product.
  2. To obtain maximum practical benefit from products while generating the minimum amount of waste.
  3. To ensure that waste generators pay an equitable share of the costs of waste disposal.
  4. To provide incentives for the proper disposal of nonhazardous commercial and industrial waste.
Correct Response: B. In waste management, "reduce" refers to the practice of using less of a particular resource, "reuse" refers to the practice of using a product multiple times and/or for multiple purposes, and "recycle" refers to breaking down the original product and turning its components into a new product. The aim of each of these practices is maximizing the benefit of a particular product or resource while minimizing the amount of waste generated. Spillover costs of a given product (A) would be costs, such as product disposal, that fall on someone other than the buyer or the seller of the product. Integrating spillover costs into the market price of a product is not the aim of the three Rs. Although many communities charge residents some sort of waste disposal and/or recycling fee, ensuring waste generators pay a fair share of waste-disposal costs (C) is not the aim of the three Rs. Knowing that certain nonhazardous commercial and industrial waste can be reused and/or recycled may provide some incentive for proper disposal (D), but the main goal of the three Rs is to limit the overall amount of resources consumed, not to provide disposal incentives.
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