MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Television shows and movies that portray casual use of alcohol and drugs by teenagers create a negative health influence primarily by:
  1. Increasing viewers' familiarity with such images gradually until a tolerance or saturation point is reached.
  2. Popularizing the idea that adolescent substance abuse is socially acceptable and free of consequences.
  3. Suggesting that in real life, peer pressure can result in positive outcomes in addition to negative ones.
  4. Equating youthful drinking and drug use with future success, energy, and excitement in adult life.
Correct Response: B. Television shows and movies that portray the casual adolescent use of alcohol and drugs popularize the idea that this type of behavior is socially acceptable and free of consequences. Studies have shown a correlation between such media portrayal and negative health outcomes for teenagers. There is no correlation noted between the portrayal of the casual use of drugs and alcohol and a tolerance or saturation point (A). While peer pressure can result in positive and negative outcomes (C), there is no correlation with the portrayal of casual drug and alcohol use by teenagers. While the portrayal of casual drug and alcohol use could lead to equating drinking and drug use with future success, energy, and excitement in adult life (D), this is not directly correlated to influencing negative health in adolescents.
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