MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

At a high school, a group of students is known for engaging in high-risk behaviors. Which of the following is likely to be the best strategy for encouraging these students to use risk prevention and reduction practices?
  1. Encouraging the students to describe or write about how they feel when they engage in risky activities.
  2. Instructing the students in basic first aid and lifesaving techniques and emphasizing how easy it is to become injured.
  3. Scaring the students by presenting statistics and photographs of accidental injuries and fatalities involving teenagers.
  4. Providing the students with instruction on how to anticipate the consequences of and evaluate the effects of personal risk taking.
Correct Response: D. Studies have shown that having a structured support system reduces involvement in high-risk behavior. One example of this type of support would be to teach students to anticipate and evaluate the consequences of their behavior. Studies have also shown that personalizing the possible outcomes of risky behavior increases the likelihood that the behavior will change. Furthermore, because some teens may not see a particular behavior as risky, having them consider the possible consequences of the behavior may cause them to re-evaluate their participation. Since some students engage in risky behaviors for the "high" they experience, having them describe or write about how they feel when they engage in risky activities (A) might reinforce their desire to experience risk. Instructing students in basic first aid and lifesaving techniques (B) may enable them to provide assistance if an accident occurs, but this training is aimed at responding to the results of risky behavior rather than preventing the behavior in the first place. Research published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that school-based instructional programs against drunk driving, which can include sharing statistics and photographs of accident fatalities (C), are effective in encouraging teens not to ride with a drunk driver, but there is insufficient evidence to conclude that the same programs reduce risky behaviors such as drunk driving. 
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