MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

A young couple is expecting the birth of a child in several months. Because the wife's mother is widowed and lives alone, the couple asks her to live with them and she accepts. Which of the following types of diverse family structures is about to be created?
  1. Nuclear
  2. Extended
  3. Blended
  4. Non-traditional
Correct Response: B. Extended families include parents, children, and relatives such as grandparents, aunts, and uncles. A nuclear family (A) would include only the young couple and their new child. A blended family (C) would require that at least one spouse have children from a previous relationship. Although it is possible that the young couple is same-sex and therefore one type of nontraditional family (D), this family unit would have already been in place rather than being established when the widowed mother moved in. 
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