MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Although family structure has become increasingly diverse in terms of the individuals and relationships that form the family system, within the context of society this system has an underlying purpose to:
  1. Provide identical developmental experiences for all members.
  2. Meet physical and emotional needs.
  3. Create an unchanging physical environment for all members.
  4. Satisfy educational and social needs.
Correct Response: B. Physical and emotional needs are initially met within a family structure, both nuclear and extended. Providing identical developmental experiences for all family members (A) can be done only in an institutional environment and is still dependent on the individual's cognitive development. Likewise, creating an unchanging physical environment (C) for all members could be done only in an institutional setting, not a family setting, and would not likely be possible even there. 
While satisfying educational and social needs (D) is typically done early in life by the family, meeting long-term educational needs is not generally the purpose of the family. 
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