MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Which of the following is an important responsibility of both people who are in a dating relationship?
  1. Discussing the ways in which each partner could support the long-term life plans of the other partner.
  2. Maintaining open lines of communication about issues and concerns related to the relationship.
  3. Regularly weighing the advantages and disadvantages of remaining in a committed relationship.
  4. Evaluating one's dating partner in terms of how he or she is perceived by friends and acquaintances.
Correct Response: B. One purpose of dating is socialization. In a dating relationship, the development of social skills depends on open lines of communication. Expecting support for long-term life plans (A) and regularly discussing the advantages and disadvantages of being in a committed relationship (C) are usually considered responsibilities when both people have agreed that the relationship has progressed to a more serious level. Dating provides the opportunity for people to identify the qualities they value in a potential partner; an evaluation of dating partners should therefore be based on personal judgment rather than the perception of others (D).
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