MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

In a high school health class, students practice goal-setting, decision-making, and interpersonal communication skills while discussing sexual activity and its consequences. The primary aim of this approach is most likely to encourage students to:
  1. Prepare for the responsibilities of marriage, parenting, and family life.
  2. Avoid risk-taking behaviors that could result in a sexually transmitted infection or pregnancy.
  3. Reevaluate cultural values and beliefs about sexuality.
  4. Adopt popular and accepting attitudes about issues related to sexuality and family planning.
Correct Response: B. Research indicates that effective comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programs include presenting students with scientifically and medically accurate information and assisting young people in setting goals, making informed decisions, and communicating openly. This approach has proved to have a positive effect in reducing at-risk behaviors that could result in a sexually transmitted infection or pregnancy. Although goal-setting, decision-making, and interpersonal communication skills are important for success in marriage, parenting, and family life (A), school-based sexuality education classes are typically aimed at providing accurate information about human sexuality and encouraging young people to behave responsibly in their sexual relationships. The CSE goal of providing accurate information about human sexuality precludes these programs from intentionally encouraging students to reevaluate cultural values and beliefs about sexuality (C). Likewise, CSE programs do not aim to actively encourage young people to adopt popular and accepting attitudes about issues related to sexuality and family planning (D).
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