Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

When developing an exercise program, a Group Fitness Instructor must remember the three S’s: Safety, Simplicity and Stability. Which of the following is the WORST example of a Group Fitness Instructor following the three S’s while teaching class:
  1. Introducing a split phrase into choreography
  2. Teaching “A” choreography to mastery, then moving onto “B”
  3. Liming the number of hops on one leg to <8
  4. Using anticipatory cues prior to movements
Answer: C - When blocks of choreography take up more than eight counts, this is called a “cross phase” or “split phrase.” Only master instructors should attempt to introduce split phrases into choreography as simplicity is greatly reduced and the class can easily become lost or confused. While safety of the participants should be foremost in a GFI’s mind, simplicity of movements will facilitate the learning and eventual mastering of movements. Stability adds to safety and proper technique when performing an exercise routine.
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