Category - XP

You have a placed a design.txt file in your shared folder. This file contains the design specifications of a product that your company is planning to launch. You are leading a team of design experts who are constantly updating this file with the results of their testing. You want to eliminate the possibility of two users editing the file at the same time. Which of the following options should you configure to do this?
  1. Configure the User Limit to 1 in the Properties of the folder that you’ve shared.
  2. Configure the users to access the file at different times in the Properties of the folder that you’ve shared.
  3. Configure the shared folder so that users are not allowed offline access to the folder.
  4. A shared folder access cannot be limited to a specific number of users.
Answer - A - To allow access to only user at a time, you should configure the User Limit section of the folder to a value of 1.

Key Takeaway: If simple file sharing is enabled, everyone in your workgroup has access to your shared folders. If simple file sharing is disabled, members of your workgroup cannot access your shared folders until you choose to share particular folders or drives with those users or groups that you select. When you configure a share, you can specify a user limit. The Sharing tab of the folder Properties dialog box includes a User Limit option, which you can set to limit access to the folder to one user at a time. The maximum number of users who can access a shared folder is 10.
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