Category - XP

You manage a handful of Windows XP Professional computers in a workgroup environment. You want to specify how many failed logon attempts are allowed before an account is locked out and how long before the account is automatically reset. Which of the following specifies the correct procedure?
  1. Open Control Panel, click Performance and Maintenance, click Administrative Tools, and open the Local Users And Groups snap-in located in the Computer Management console.
  2. Open Control Panel, click User Accounts, and specify the failed logon attempts before the account is locked out.
  3. Open Control Panel, click Accessibility Options, click Accessibility Options again, and click the General tab when the Accessibility Options program window appears.
  4. Open the Local Security Policy console, expand the Account Settings folder, select the Account Lockout Policy folder, and configure the appropriate settings.
Answer - D - To specify how many failed logon attempts are allowed before an account is locked out and how long before the account is automatically reset, open the Local Security Policy console, expand the Account Settings folder, select the Account Lockout Policy folder, and configure the appropriate settings.

Key Takeaway: The Account Lockout Policy includes features like Account lockout duration, Account lockout threshold, and Reset account lockout counter. The Account Lockout Policy determines the number of minutes a locked-out account remains locked out before automatically becoming unlocked. The Account Lockout threshold determines the number of failed logon attempts that causes a user account to be locked out. The Reset account lockout counter determines the number of minutes that must elapse after a failed logon attempt before the failed logon attempt counter is reset to 0 bad logon attempts.
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