Category - XP

Jack is working as an administrator for a small network. One of the users on the network has configured ICS on his computer. He is able to access the internet, but is not able to access local resources. Which of the following could be the most likely cause of the issue?
  1. ICS has reset his IP address.
  2. Another connection is open. Disconnect this open Internet connection.
  3. ICS has modified his computer name. It needs to be restored.
  4. ICS will allow him to access the Internet only, and not the local resources.
Answer - A - He is not able to access the local resources because the ICS configuration has reset his IP address.

Key Takeaway: Internet Connection Sharing, or ICS, is used for sharing a single Internet connection on one computer with other computers on the same local area network. It makes use of DHCP and Network address translation (NAT). It routes TCP/IP packets from a small LAN to the Internet. It maps individual IP addresses of local computers to unused port numbers in the TCP/IP stack. Due to the nature of the NAT, IP addresses on the local computer are not visible on the Internet. All packets leaving or entering the LAN are sent from or to the IP address of the external adapter on the ICS host computer.
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