You are working in cardiac ICU as RN and have to take care of patients with cardiac arrhythmia. Which of the following patients will you attend first?
  1. A patient of ventricular tachycardia
  2. A patient showing first degree heart block
  3. A patient showing atrial fibrillation
  4. A patient of recent myocardial infarction showing occasional ventricular ectopics
Answer- A - Ventricular tachycardia is an emergency condition and may be a life-threatening cardiac event thus needs immediate attention as well as defibrillation. CPR may also be necessary. First degree heart block and AF are rarely life-threatening events. The patient with AF should be evaluated for ventricular rate and attended as needed and sorted according to their hemodynamic status. Patients with myocardial infarction showing occasional ventricular ectopics are usually stable and do not need immediate attention.
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