Which of the following words is correctly matched with its meaning?
  1. Symptoms - individual’s responses to his/her physical, emotional, or cognitive status
  2. Health - physical, mental and social well-being
  3. Life satisfaction - individual’s contentment with their quality of life
  4. Functional status - individual’s ability to perform activities of daily living
Answer- C - Life satisfaction - individual’s contentment with their quality of life is correctly matched. Individual’s condition influences an individual’s perception of his/her quality of life. Health includes not only physical well-being, but also mental and social well-being. Functional status is defined as an individual’s ability to perform activities of daily living. Symptoms are an individual’s responses to his/her physical, emotional, or cognitive status. Life satisfaction is defined as an individual’s contentment with their quality of life including family, health, sexuality, spirituality, friendships, job, education and finances.
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