Category - XP

You are listening to an audio CD on your desktop computer at work, like all the employees do. One morning, all employees receive an e-mail from the corporate services asking not to play loud music on the desktops. However, no restriction is placed on listening to music using a headphone. You plug your headphones into the jack on the front of the CD-ROM drive, but you hear no sound. You adjust the volume control on the front of the CD-ROM drive, but still hear no sound. You turn the speakers back on and can hear the music again. Which of the following could be the likely cause of this issue?
  1. CD-ROM drive is defective.
  2. You cannot plug in your headphones and listen to music on a CD-ROM drive.
  3. The Hardware Sound Acceleration Level setting is not optimal on the Sound tab of the DirectX Diagnostics tool.
  4. Digital audio playback is enabled on the CD-ROM drive.
Answer - D - You are not able to listen to music when you plug the headphones into to the jack on the front of the CD-ROM drive because digital audio playback is enabled on the CD-ROM drive.

Key Takeaway: When you configure Windows Media Player for analog CD-ROM playback (using the connector on the front of the CD-ROM drive), the operating system may continue to play back the CD-ROM digitally. This behavior occurs because support for Digital Audio Extraction is built into both Windows Media Player and the operating system. You need to disable Digital Audio Extraction in the operating system to be able to listen to music using the connector on the front of the CD-ROM drive.
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