Category - XP

You are monitoring a computer that you suspect to have a bottleneck. This may be due to a malfunctioning piece of hardware. You are tracking a counter by name, Processor > Interrupts/Sec when you monitor the computer through System Monitor. Which of the following values would indicate that the piece of hardware is malfunctioning due to spurious interrupts?
  1. 750
  2. 200
  3. 500
  4. 2,000
Answer - D - If the Processor > Interrupts/Sec counter shows a value of more than 1,000, you might infer that the piece of hardware is malfunctioning due to spurious interrupts.

Key Takeaway: The Processor > Interrupts/Sec counter shows the average number of hardware interrupts the processor receives each second. It indicates the rate-in average number of interrupts, or incidents, per second-at which the processor received and serviced hardware interrupts.
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