Civil Engineering PE

Category - Material Mechanics

Which of the following passages best concludes the following statement regarding Castigliano’s second theorem, the Method of Least Work:“the internal work accomplished by each member or each portion of a statically indeterminate structure subjected to a set of external loads is the least possible amount necessary to …
  1. Deflect just to the point prior to failure
  2. Deform in a manner consistent with its physical limitations
  3. Maintain equilibrium in supporting the loads
  4. None of the above
Answer: C - The passage that best concludes the statement regarding Castigliano’s second theorem, the Method of Least Work: “the internal work accomplished by each member or each portion of a statically indeterminate structure subjected to a set of external loads is the least possible amount necessary to …” is “maintain equilibrium in supporting the loads.” Ironically, applying the least-work method to certain statically indeterminate structures can be very time-consuming and frustrating. However, the method is still in use today.
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