Civil Engineering PE

Category - Transportation

Which of the following is most nearly the stopping site distance for a roadway with a speed of 40 kilometers/hour (km/h) and a grade of 6%?
  1. 44 meters
  2. 50 meters
  3. 53 meters
  4. 62 meters
Answer: A - The stopping sight distance (SSD) for a roadway with a speed of 40 km/h and a grade of 6% is 44 meters.

Solution: Use the SSD on grade equation (Metric units)

d = 0.278Vt + V2/2.54 ((a/9.81) +6)

Where, t = 2.5 seconds

a = 3.4/second2

V = 40 km/h

G = 0.06

d = 0.278 (40) (2.5) + (40)2/2.54((3.4/9.81) + 0.06)

= 27.8 + 16.2

= 44 meters
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