Civil Engineering PE

Category - Member Design

Which of the following concrete slab design methods is included in the American Concrete Institute’s publication 318-11: Building Code Requirements for Structure Concrete and Commentary?
  1. Direct Design Method (DDM)
  2. Equivalent Frame Method (EFM)
  3. A. and B.
  4. None of the above
Answer: C - The concrete slab design methods included in the American Concrete Institute’s publication 318-11: Building Code Requirements for Structure Concrete are the DDM and EFM. The DDM is used to design slab systems that have at least three spans in each direction and are subject to only gravity loads. The EFM is used to design slab systems with irregular layouts, if the slab will be subject to horizontal or partial loading patterns, and/or if the live load to dead load ratio applied to the slab is high.
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