Civil Engineering PE

Category - Material QC

Which of the following best describes the contract term “indemnify”?
  1. Damage claims recovered from a contractor cannot exceed payments made to the contractor
  2. A contractor may be sued for reimbursement for damages incurred by a third-party
  3. To provide financial payment for damage or loss
  4. All of the above
Answer: C - The contract term “indemnify” refers to the provision of financial payment for damage or loss. Indemnification clauses are included in almost every construction contract that is signed. These clauses are extremely important and if not understood, can cause businesses to go bankrupt if the wording of the clause benefits only the project owner. Design engineers’ and contractors’ legal advisors strive to get indemnification clauses into their contracts that include a maximum limit of liability to the amount they are paid to complete a contract.
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