Civil Engineering PE

Category - Scheduling

When evaluating the progress of a project using the Earned Value Management approach, which of the following cases is a project considered profitable?
  1. Actual budget spent is less than or equal to the earned value
  2. Actual cost is greater than the earned value
  3. Budgeted cost of work performed is less than the budgeted cost of work scheduled
  4. A. and C.
Answer: A - When evaluating the progress of a project using the Earned Value Management approach, a project is considered profitable when the actual budget spent is less than or equal to the earned value. A project is considered to be over budget when the actual cost is greater than the earned value. A project is considered to be behind schedule when the billed cost of work perfomed up to a certain date is less than the budgeted cost of work scheduled to be completed at that date.
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