Civil Engineering PE

Category - Soil Mechanics

What is the superimposed total lateral force resulting from groundwater pressure on a 8-foot high wall if the groundwater level behind the wall is located 4 feet below the backfill surface?
  1. 249 pounds
  2. 499.2 pounds
  3. 998 pounds
  4. Not enough information provided to determine
Answer: B - the superimposed total lateral force resulting from groundwater pressure on an 8-foot high wall if the groundwater level behind the wall is located 4 feet below the backfill surface is 499.2 pounds.

Solution: Use pressure area equation p = (ɣw) (h2) (K)

Where unit weight of water, ɣw = 62.4 pcf

K = 1 as water pressure is equal in all directions


Superimposed lateral force from groundwater pressure

=½ (unit weight of water) (height of wall - groundwater table)

= ½ (62.4 pcf) (8 - 4 feet)2

= 499.2 pounds
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