Civil Engineering PE

Category - Wastewater

What is the primary purpose of the use of lift stations in a municipal wastewater collection system?
  1. Minimize easement requirements for an alignment
  2. Increase the capacity of a sewer line
  3. Move wastewater from a lower to higher elevation
  4. Increase velocity of the wastewater traveling through a sewer line
Answer: C - The primary purpose of lift stations in a wastewater collection system is to move wastewater from lower to higher elevations. This is done so that wastewater transported by lower-lying sewers can fed into gravity sewers that are at higher elevations. Key elements of lift stations include the following:
• wastewater receiving well (wet-well)
• pumps and piping, and associated valves
• motors
• power supply system
• an equipment control and alarm system
• odor control system and ventilation system

Specific design requirements for primary settling tanks are set by state regulating agencies.
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